Friday, 17 May 2013

Selena Fashion Jewels & Simplicity

Evo me opet, ali sada sa predivnim novostima!Juce sam imala to zadovoljstvo da saradjujem sa Selena Fashion Jewels!Osim sto smo radile, sjajno smo se i provele.Imale smo nekih poteskoca, jer smo na kraju prvog kruga slikanja zakljucile kako nam je nestao sav materijal, ali smo naravno opet fotkale.Radnja je predivna, pa cak i na prvom pogledu imate osecaj da setate nekom promenadom nekog svetskog grada.Sada sledi tekst o Seleni, a ja se pozdravljamo do daljnjeg, uzivajte u fotografijama, nadam se da ce vam se svideti kao i meni!
Selena Fashion Jewels je brend koji okuplja grcke i italijanske dizajnere i proizvodjace zlatnog, srebrnog i nakita od poludragog kamenja, koji stvaraju male kolekcije, ogranicenog broja komada.Dizajneri oko brenda Selena Fashion Jewels znaju da je svaka zena jedinstvena te je svaki komad pazljivo izradjen i odradjen, i na taj nacin jedinstven i unikatan. Sezonske kolekcije nakita Selena Fashion Jewels nakita nude zenama prirodnu eleganciju koja kombinuje luksuz i prakticnost sa najvisim standardima izrade nakita.

Here I'm again, but now with wonderfull news!Yesterday I have the pleasure to work with Selena Fashion Jewels!Beside we had worked, we also have a good time together!We have a little bit difficulties while we have all the photos from the first session lost, but we photographed all again.The Story is beautiful, and at the first sight you have the feeling you are walking a big world city.Now comes a text about Selena, and I say goodbye until the next post, enjoy the photos, I hope you like it as I like it!
Selena Fashion Jewels is a brend that brings together top Greek and Italian designers and manufactures of gold, silver, and jewelry from semi-precisous stones, creating small collections, with a limited number of pieces.Designers gathered around Selena Fashion Jewels knows that every woman is unique and each piece is carefully crafted and therefore original and unique.Seasonal accesories collections offer woman elegance that combines luxury and wearibility with the highiest standards of craftmanship.There are for themes wich inspire Selena Fashion Jewels.


  1. Ovaj post mi se bas svidja! Super je nakit! :)

  2. u pa bas ima dobrog mnakita cudi me da nisam cula za njih do sad
